Comprehensive sources for leaked data
Gather intelligence from the most exclusive sources across the clear, deep, and dark web – including paste sites, code repositories, social media platforms, and more.
Our library of resources cover a variety of cyber defense topics.
BlueVoyant Data Leakage Detection scours clear, deep, and dark web sources to find exposed company data and remediate any leaks.
Gather intelligence from the most exclusive sources across the clear, deep, and dark web – including paste sites, code repositories, social media platforms, and more.
Interact directly with threat actors on cybercrime forums and instant messaging channels to unearth unique insights and proactively detect data leakage.
Receive detailed information about credentials or data leakage events, their sources, and suggested remediation actions from our team of seasoned cyber threat experts.
Leverage BlueVoyant's unrivaled threat intelligence sources to identify and lock down exposed data and corporate credentials.