Proactive Defense

Improve your cyber resilience utilizing offensive cybersecurity services and our vulnerability management solution (VISIBL) to enable end-to-end attack surface management.

Bluevoyant proactive defense

BlueVoyant Advantages

  • Identify vulnerabilities, prioritize, validate remediation, and improve the security of your networks, personnel, and products

  • A proactive, collaborative, and holistic approach to attack surface management

  • Penetration testers with 15+ years of cybersecurity expertise

  • Globally recognized certified enterprise vulnerability analyst

  • Consolidated reporting through the Cyber Defense Platform

BlueVoyant's Cyber Defense Platform (CDP) integrates internal, third party, and external defense solutions into a single platform to decrease costs, improve cyber posture, and consolidate vendors.  It is a flexible, scalable suite of solutions tied to specific cyber maturity goals. 


  • Inventory your endpoint, software, cloud, and container assets. 
  • Conduct vulnerability scanning and configure zero-touch patch management for your assets using their 99.999% accurate vulnerability engine. 
  • Perform cloud and container misconfiguration scanning. 
  • Incorporate BlueVoyant Threat Intelligence alerts to inform you of potential vulnerabilities prior to vulnerability notification. 
  • Password auditing, container imagine registry scanning, and more. 
Managed detection and response mdr

Offensive Cybersecurity Services

  • We help you to better secure your networks, personnel, and product development. 
  • Proprietary software and exclusive data sources provide you with a thorough analysis. 
  • Services include penetration testing, phishing engagement, and vulnerability assessments. 
  • Seasoned team members with an average of 10 years of cybersecurity experience. 
  • Simulate breaches to test IR teams and processes.  
  • Secure IoT and application product development using various automated and manual tools. 
Microsoft e5 security services